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Writer's pictureHavilah Brodhead, RN, MSN, FNP

Integrative Medicine--What Is It?

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

Integrative Medicine (IM) is healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapies.

How is Integrative Medicine different from "Alternative Medicine"?

“Alternative medicine” refers to an intervention that takes the place of conventional medical treatment. Alternative medicine has not undergone the rigorous scientific investigation that conventional medical treatments undergo to make sure they are safe and effective.

The Internet is full of stories about patients with cancer having miraculous cures from alternative treatments. However, it is unlikely that alternative treatments can cure cancer, and some of these treatments can also be dangerous to your health.

Alternative treatments can also be expensive, and they are not covered by health insurance. Some examples of alternative medicine are:

Coffee enemas

High doses of intravenous vitamin infusions

Magnet therapy

Is Integrative Medicine the same as "Complementary medicine"?

“Complementary medicine” is a term that was coined in the early 1990s to describe the coordinated use of integrative modalities along with conventional medical treatment. Complementary medicine is different from alternative medicine in that providers who use complementary medicine do not aim to replace conventional treatment with a complementary treatment. Instead, the goal of complementary therapy is to help support people who receive conventional treatments through the use of well-researched and safe interventions. Some examples of safe, effective intervention include:

Meditation, especially mindfulness-based meditationYogaMusic therapy

OK, so what IS Integrative Medicine if it isn't alternative?

“Integrative medicine” is a specialty field of medical care and a newer term that emphasizes the integration of complementary therapies and conventional treatments. Integrative medicine combines the best of both worlds, with an emphasis on safety and evidence.

Many integrative medicine doctors have undergone professional training that is focused on safe, evidence-based integrative therapies. An integrative medicine doctor will partner with your oncologist or other healthcare providers to give you the best overall care and support that combines the best of both worlds — traditional medicine and complementary therapies.

Integrative medicine providers recommend modalities and treatments that have been investigated for safety and for usefulness. For patients with cancer and cancer survivors, some integrative modalities may help with some of the side effects of cancer and cancer treatment. Some examples of integrative medicine are2:

Acupuncture for hot flashes and neuropathy

Healing touch therapy for pain and anxiety

Focusing on a healthy diet and certain supplements for general overall health

An image of a medical practitioner writing mind, body, soul with arrows linking them to represent integrative medicine

How can I know what is safe or not safe? There is so much conflicting information!

Always discuss using any supplements or other therapies with your doctor or healthcare teamSome healthcare providers may not be familiar with certain supplements and how they interact (work together or interfere) with cancer treatment or with other prescription medications. Healthcare providers with specialized integrative training are a good source of information. Ask a physician, a nurse practitioner, or a pharmacist with integrative specialty training for guidance if you are unsureMake sure the supplements you are using are (1) safe to take with your other medicines, and (2) that they come from a laboratory that is inspected regularly for quality. Supplements, such as herbs and vitamins, are not regulated like prescription drugs. Check for the Consumer Labs (CL) or US Pharmacopeia (USP) label on the bottle or the box. These labels (CL or USP) ensure that the supplement or another product is manufactured in a lab that is regularly inspected for qualityIf you are considering an alternative type of treatment, ask to see the research on this therapy. Quality research comes from professional, peer-reviewed journals that are being evaluated for the accuracy of the findings (see Patient Resources)Carefully consider the cost, financially and to your health“Miracle cure” is a red flag! Steer clear of any provider who offers a miracle cure with their treatment or any commercial entity that claims to offer a miracle cure that your doctor doesn’t want you to learn about

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